grammar_present_past.pdf |
175.84 kB |
Present and past tense notes and exercises, including present perfect |
grammar_clauses_linking_relatives.pdf |
145.89 kB |
Notes and exercises on clauses, linking words and relative pronouns ('who', 'which' etc) |
grammar_future_conditional_modals.pdf |
162.39 kB |
'Will' and other ways to express the future, conditional sentences, and the use of modal verbs such as 'must', 'should', 'may' etc |
grammar_affixation_parts_of_speech.pdf |
144.47 kB |
Building words with prefixes and suffixes, and differentiating between parts of speech -- nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs |
grammar_countable_uncountable_articles.pdf |
146.79 kB |
Countable nouns such as 'people' vs uncountable nouns such as 'information', plus when to use or not use 'the', 'a/an' |
grammar_prepositions.pdf |
146.17 kB |
Prepositions of place and time, and prepositions used in common noun, verb, and adjective expressions |
grammar_gerunds_verb_patterns.pdf |
122.39 kB |
Structures which are used after certain verbs, for example 'enjoy doing something', 'afford to do something', let someone do something' |
grammar_question_words_questions.pdf |
123.65 kB |
How to construct questions correctly, using the correct question words |
grammar_impersonal_demonstratives.pdf |
115.22 kB |
The difference between 'this' and 'that' and their plurals, and the difference between 'it is' and 'there is' |
grammar_phrasal_verbs.pdf |
140.40 kB |
A number of exercises on common phrasal verbs ('get on with', 'set up', 'put off' etc) |
grammar_passive_tenses.pdf |
121.77 kB |
Using passive constructions in different verb tenses |
grammar_reported_speech.pdf |
136.46 kB |
Reporting what someone said, various verbs used for reporting and reported questions |
grammar_answers.pdf |
157.38 kB |
Answers to the exercises |
grammar_mcq_texts.pdf |
103.72 kB |
Eleven short texts with multiple choice questions, quick to do and good for vocabulary and grammar |
grammar_mcq_texts_answers.pdf |
36.77 kB |
Answers to the eleven multiple choice texts |
gap_fill_1.pdf |
55.83 kB |
Twenty gap-fill sentences for TOEIC vocabulary |
gap_fill_1_answers.pdf |
73.09 kB |
Answers for gap-fill 1 |
gap_fill_2.pdf |
56.11 kB |
Twenty more gap-fill sentences for TOEIC vocabulary |
gap_fill_2_answers.pdf |
71.82 kB |
Answers for gap-fill 2 |
gap_fill_3.pdf |
54.64 kB |
Twenty more TOEIC vocabulary sentences |
gap_fill_3_answers.pdf |
61.89 kB |
Answers for gap-fill 3 |
grammar_comparing_contrasting.pdf |
123.86 kB |
Exercises with comparative adjectives, adverbs, and other ways of making comparisons |
grammar_word_order.pdf |
122.90 kB |
The correct order of words in a sentence |
grammar_answers.pdf |
160.95 kB |
Updated answers for the grammar exercises |
vocabulary_part_1.pdf |
101.65 kB |
Vocabulary for: entertainment, restaurants, sightseeing, the weather, travel, with answers |
vocabulary_part_2.pdf |
71.85 kB |
Vocabulary for food and shopping, hotels and accommodation, with answers |
test_reminder_listening.pdf |
73.78 kB |
A detailed reminder about the listening part of the TOEIC test, with useful tips |
grammar_negation.pdf |
114.86 kB |
Words with a negative meaning, especially 'not', 'no' and the difference between them |
listening_answers.pdf |
111.56 kB |
Answers for the listening exercises |
test_listening_answers.pdf |
78.28 kB |
Transcripts and answers for the test listening practice |
10_errors.pdf |
35.70 kB |
Sentences with errors to correct |
grammar_test_update.pdf |
40.86 kB |
Twenty multiple choice questions on grammar |
agree_disagree.pdf |
48.48 kB |
Discussion subjects |
education_mcq.pdf |
37.50 kB |
Ten education vocabulary questions |
hyperloop_maglev_2019_20_update.pdf |
90.09 kB |
Discussion and listening on the hyperloop |
hyperloop_gap_fill.pdf |
68.72 kB |
Vocabulary exercise on hyperloop |
10_errors.pdf |
35.70 kB |
Error correction exercise |
vocabulary_quiz.pdf |
57.90 kB |
Twenty gap-fill vocabulary questions |
email_error_or_not.pdf |
35.16 kB |
Sentences from emails, some correct and some not |
past_conditional.pdf |
44.16 kB |
Writing exercise on the past conditional |
military_robots_update.pdf |
55.13 kB |
military robots |
compounds.pdf |
66.00 kB |
Brief overview of compound nouns |
traffic_mcq.pdf |
68.92 kB |
MCQ on traffic |
leisure.pdf |
47.53 kB |
Leisure activity discussion |
venice_beach.pdf |
66.45 kB |
Multiple choice vocabulary on surfing video |
intranet.pdf |
61.11 kB |
Reading and vocabulary on iintranets |
deepfakes.pdf |
41.40 kB |
Reading about deepfakes |
AI.pdf |
156.44 kB |
Vocabulary and discussion on AI |
robots.pdf |
60.66 kB |
Material on humanoid robots |
cause_effect.pdf |
51.33 kB |
Writing cause and effect sentences |
find_someone_who.pdf |
46.26 kB |
Discussion ice-breaker |
industry.pdf |
57.26 kB |
Speaking activity about industry |
leisure.pdf |
47.53 kB |
Discussion activity on leisure time |
gap_fill.pdf |
49.71 kB |
Song gap-fill |
security.pdf |
48.75 kB |
Texts on cybersecurity |
intranet.pdf |
61.11 kB |
Reading on intranets |
AI.pdf |
156.44 kB |
Reading and discussion on AI |
machine_learning.pdf |
54.20 kB |
Texts on aspects of AI |