drawer (noun)
desk compartment
drop off (verb)
take to a convenient destination
duty (noun)
entertainment (noun)
movies, theater, concerts etc
estimate (noun)
calculation of approximate cost
excursion (noun)
short tourist trip
facility (noun)
industrial or public site
faithful (adj)
loyal, unchanging (of a customer, friend etc)
fare (noun)
price of a transport ticket
fee (noun)
payment to access a service
finalize (verb)
finish working on the details
flight (noun)
trip by aircraft
forecast (noun)
weather/company results prediction
foreign (adj)
from another country
former (adj)
fund (verb)
support financially, give financial backing
furniture (noun)
chairs, tables, desks etc.
goods (noun)
grade (noun)
evaluation after testing
guest (noun)
someone invited