All Words

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cast (noun)

performers in a play or movie

CEO (noun)

operating head of company

chilly (adj)

cool or cold

claim (verb)

to say strongly that something is or is not true

competitor (noun)

rival company

complaint (noun)

expression of dissatisfaction

course (noun)

professional or educational training session

coverage (noun)

attention given to a news story

crew (noun)

staff in plane, ship or spacecraft

critic (noun)

arts reviewer

cruise (noun)

sea trip for pleasure

deadline (noun)

work completion time or date

degree (noun)

university-level qualification

delay (verb)

cause to be late

desk (noun)

table for office work

diary (noun)

appointments list with dates

display (noun)

visual presentational information

disrupt (verb)


divert (verb)

send on a different route

downtown (noun)

the central area of a city